
14 days

14 days is what I have to learn this months song.  I didn't pick it out right away because I couldn't find one that I wanted to learn.  Even though there are about a million good songs I struggled to find one.  Finally picked it out Monday.  Practiced Monday and Tuesday.   If I count all the days that I have available this month, starting Monday, not including the trip to Vegas, and the time while my parents are down, it gives me 14 days.  At half an hour a day that is roughly 7 hours.  Not a whole lot of time.  I might be able to get some practice in when my parents are down, but I am not sure.  To bad I couldn't just take a day without interruptions, start at 8 in the morning and learn the complete song to mastery 7 hours later.  That would be sweet, but it just doesn't work that way.

This will be the debut of the new guitar Erin bought me:

And I have to tell you it is pretty sweet. The quality of construction is much better than my other guitars, and when plugged into an amp it sounds a lot different. Whether this will translate into me being a better guitar player remains to be seen. But at least I will look cool doing it.

As far as this months song, I am not going to tell you what it is. But I will name the band that recorded it:


Erin said...

If Mason and Miller would go to bed at a normal time, you may squeeze in another half hour somewhere.

Jess said...

Good luck with the limited practice!