Staying up until 11:30 on a school night, watching football and playing guitar, is not advised. Add that to the fact that Mason has the workings of a cold brewing, which means a couple of wake-up/snotsuck/salinedrip pitstops in the middle of the night, makes for one tired rockstar the next morning. I did get in some mean practice though, my fingers are quite raw this morning.
We have our annual potluck at work today. I have already consumed ravioli, a donut, some cookies, and 6 potstickers. It isn't even 8:30 yet. I should've probably worn some stretchy pants or maybe not worn pants at all. We have two asians battling it out for best pot sticker today, so maybe I better go sample a few more, just so I can be an unbiased judge...
Yes Shannon, my performance video will be posted on this blog at the end of the month, but I am going to be performing in a pit of spiders. You have been warned.
11:30 on ANY night is tough for me these days!
It seems to take a few weeks being in DC for the first cold to set in. Now, expect a rotation of snot to set in about every 4-6 weeks.
Megadeth. Too bad I thought it was Black Sabbath or Ozzy. I had to cheat and look it up.
Yeah, at least you had food to aid your day. I have sucked down a ton of coffee and been on back to back conference calls. My bladder is paying the price today.
As long as I don't have to sit in the pit of spiders to watch it I should be okay.
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