
Since I got tagged by Jess...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. Miller to be done with teething
2. Trip to Minnesota
3. Miller learning to walk
4. Laptop project at work to be over with
5. Not having to come back into work tomorrow
6. Shots of Tequila on Cinco de Mayo
7. Lunch
8. Tomorrow.....cuz I get better looking every day

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Gave my son whiskey
2. Cut myself 5 times at work
3. Ate Pizza for lunch
4. Cooked supper
5. Enjoyed a Stogie
6. Drank alcoholic libations
7. Played guitar
8. Watched 'Let the Right One In'.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do/Want to Do:
1. Play guitar better
2. Knock a pheasant out of sky air with a 12 gauge
3. Buy a bigger house
4. Hire a beer wench
5. Make Miller feel better when he is sick
6. Fly like Superman
7. Have more money than I know what to do with
8. Have a whole week where I have absolutely no responsibilities

8 Shows I Watch:
1. The Office
2. Deadliest Catch
3. Lost
4. Headbangers Ball
5. How I Met Your Mother


Jess said...

Are beer wenches really that pricey? I'm sure they goon sale once or twice a year ;)

Ha. Did that smiley face annoy you? Should I follow it up with an LOL?

Erin said...

Are we the only people who can't name 8 tv shows? With all that free time, what do we do?

Froyd said...

what'd you think of let the right one in?

Anonymous said...

"Things I wish I could do:2. Knock a pheasant out of sky air with a 12 gauge".......keep wishing!!!

MN Mom said...

You might have more time for TV if you had that beer wench!