
Miller's First Nightcap

actually it was more of a 3a.m. cap, but whatever time it was it worked. Jim Beam works on babies gums. He woke up pissed off at 3, and I had tried just about everything...The boy didn't want to be held, didn't want to be put down, didn't want the lights on, didn't want the lights off, didn't want any liquid, just wanted to be a miserable cuss. He had a slight fever, so we gave him some tylenol, he was coughing like a 20 year smoker, so we gave him some cough medicine, still not happy. Finally I had enough, my Mom had been hinting at rubbing whiskey on his gums for the last couple of weeks, so we decided to give it a shot. Dipped my finger in the shot glass of Jim Beam and rubbed it on his bottom gums. Finger was a little wetter than necessary, so he probably go a few more drops on the first round than he needed, but he didn't make any faces.(earlier in the night we tried to give him some 7-up, and the face he made after that, made me think that I accidently bought the cat-shit flavored 7-up). After another couple swipes of the gums, we were done. We went and sat on the porch and rocked while staring at Erin's glowing balls, and about 5 minutes later he was out. I could just be the whiskey, or it could have been the cocktail of cough medicine, tylenol, and whiskey, but whatever it was it worked. Hopefully tonight goes better, because I don't want all you perverts waiting outside my porch at 3 in the morning hoping to catch a glimpse of me in my tighty-whiteys.


Jess said...

Glad it provided relief for the both of you!

From what I've read, the remedy happens to be one of those that doctors refuse to comment on (I think they don't want to suggest anything that implies giving alcohol to an infant), but that lots of people swear by anecdotally.

I'm no expert, but if it works, it works. And just enough on your finger tips contains no more alcohol than many cold medicines, and who the heck knows what kind of manufactured stuff is in products like ora-gel?

I hope you tookt he rest of the shot for yourself!

MN Mom said...

I told Shannon many times that when I was a kid they did that all the time, so I tried it on her when she was a baby and it worked like a charm. I know she thinks I'm crazy...but in desperation I bet she will try it on Rylee too. (If not I will, but I'll keep my mouth shut about it. Don't tell on me.)

Froyd said...

"just wanted to be a miserable cuss"

I'm so proud that my nephew has proven that he's a Froyd!

Anonymous said...

I must say you used a much better brand of whiskey on Miller's gums than we had available when you were a kid. I told you it would work! (I love saying I told you so) Coyote Mama

kristi talbot said...

doesn't all 7up taste like cat shit?!?

Erin said...

Hey, at 3:30am, anything that shuts him up is a savior. Whiskey on his gums is probably less toxic than caffeine while I was breast feeding or the extra wine I consumed once Ryan got home. Seriously though, the poor guy is not happy and asking us for help as best he can. I cried two nights in a row for him.

*how appropriate, my word verification is "bless"

Agate Lake Girl said...

Ah, the triple cocktail. :)