
A cog in the machinery of Justice

I had Jury Duty today.......and now I have it tomorrow as well.

First off I don't necessarily mind Jury Duty. As long as being there doesn't screw up my work schedule, or home schedule, it is pretty relaxing. Today I knew I didn't have anything going on at work to miss, so I brought my book, crossed my fingers that it would be an early day and sat my ass down, and sat, and sat and sat. My number was called at 10, but then they said our group wasn't needed yet. Rather than send us home, we had to wait to get into another group. Which was at 3. By the time the attorneys and the judge got done fiddlefucking around 1) I was lucky Juror number 3 of 6, 2)It was 5:30. The 5:30 part is a bit of a bitch, because that means I have to come back tomorrow, which may screw up my work schedule, we'll have to see. Either way, I shall be laying down the law with my Iron Fist of Judgement sometime tomorrow.


Jess said...

Well, I'm glad it's you and not me; although, getting called to jury duty while pregnant may give me the perfect excuse to get out of it.

Best of luck tomorrow!

Crissy Rae said...

Did the iron fist of Justice win today?