Tonight, we decided to order Pizza, so I decided to get right up off my ass and order it...w/o my crutches. The collectives gasps of my mother and my wife just about sucked the air out of the room, causing me to be a touch lightheaded, so I just sat back down. I guess that is a good sign. Although, at this point if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't. IT is a huge pain in the ass. well, that is all for now. We got to see Lil baby Riley today, and Mr. Miller has been wild ever since.
That is all. Good day.
Maybe you need to keep one hand on the crutches at all time so you don't "forget" you need them.
Hey, I wasn't doin it to be cool. I just seriously forgot. Just remember come Friday, my reach is twice as long lady.
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