
1 day down, 2 to go.

The first half of today was busy, but the last half was pretty nice. I woke up this morning and waited for Cruella to get up and make me clean the entire house. At least it was a joint effort. After that I spent a decent amount of time playing drums on Rock Band. I was pretty depressed after going to the concert on Thursday and watching real drummers, it might be a little longer before I am drumming in front of a sold out stadium than what I originally thought. Today I got back on track though. Finally made it through medium, and tomorrow I shall try hard. I am still mostly sucking it up, but every couple of songs there are some moments where I actually feel like I am drumming, and it satisfies me.
Craigslist.com is truly a wonderful thing. I put pictures up on craigslist of the furniture that is in the baby room at around 11 this morning. I got a call at 530 from some lady who is coming down from Tamarac North(parkland) tomorrow to take a look at it. It would be sweet if she was to buy it, one for the money, two it will make extra room in there so I can start tearing up carpet and painting.
I also got a fair bit of reading in on Slash's autobiography today. It is very interesting. Being a model maker is pretty similar to being a rockstar. The only difference being the copious amounts of heroin and coke are replaced by American Domestic Light.

That is all. Good Day.


Jess said...

We could always integrate heroin and coke over time. Certainly Doemstic Light beer is a gateway to something stronger?

Erin said...

Cruella was pleased that she only had to guilt you into vacuuming. She is so confused that after hours of picking up and doing laundry, why 20 minutes of vacuuming is too much to ask of you? It's been nice to relax in a clean house-you know it!