
New Tune Tuesday(Premature Dissapointment)

The first thing I would like to say is that the White Stripes album is no where near as bad as what I thought. It took about 5-6 listens before I realized the genius of it. Which begs the question, how many listens does it take to get to the center of a good cd? My wife doesn't have alot of motivation to listen to a cd she doesn't like right away, but usually I give new music a fair chance before I dislike it. I think this comes from the fact that when I was a young lad, 16 bucks for a cd was alot of money, and I felt that I had to get my money's worth even if it sucked. Now that I think about it, I don't know if I have ever had a cd that I hated so much that I would throw it away. I still own that crappy piano cd that my ma got me 15 years ago. I never listen to it, but I can't throw it out, because you never know when I might like to listen to crappy piano music. eh, I am rambling. This is probably due to the fact I am still drunk. I have finally come to terms with my problem. No, its not a drinking problem, I do that just fine, I am very good at it. It is the stopping once I start that is the problem. Apparently I was born without a check valve, or I have just never figured out how to use it. So yep, this is the worst I have been in awhile, and it might be just enough to make me sit down and reevaluate my situation.

New Tunes

Queens of the Stone Age-Era Vulgaris. A pretty good album, but much like the White Stripes, it needs to be listened to a few times before it grows on you. I don't think it is the best Queens album, but I do find it better than 'Lullabies to Paralyze' If one was to read this review(and had never heard the Queens before) and think 'that was a glowing review, I shall now go buy this album'. I would say no, that is not a good idea. If one had never heard this group, I would suggest buying 'Songs for the Deaf'. It is a much easier to listen to album, and a better introduction to the group.

That is all the new music, but here is one from the vault:

Cake(not yellow, Jess)-Fashion Nugget. I challenge anyone to put this cd in thier car and listen to it for a week and not like it. Anything by Cake is good, but I think this CD is thier finest.


Erin said...

Oh boy. You must still be drunk to ramble on your blog that much. Maybe we need a new system to help us shut each other off when the valve opens.

How about 4 beers for me and 6 for you. 3 drinks for me and 5 for you. 1 bottle of wine for me and none for you. That seems fair and conservative.

Jess said...

I also have trouble with the valve shut off and usually if I have one, I just keep on drinking. But I'm like with other things as well...like cake.

Which brings me to: Cake, Fashion Nugget, awesome album. I love Cake (both the yellow kind and the band kind).

But as an aside, I like the longer, more rambly posts. And I think you offer good commentary on the music; you're quite knowledgeable. Perhaps I should extend to you my "ideal job #5": Reviewer for "Rolling Stone."

Ryan said...

Jess, You will be pleased to know that Cake will be releasing a B-sides and Rarities CD mid-August. It will have some stellar covers as well as little known Cake originals. I will take your Ideal Job #5, however, please do not ask me to rate any NEW Rap Cd's. I just cannot seem to listen to them. Gangsta Rap will be fine. I really seem to be able to relate to that, what with growing up in the hardcore dirt roads of Pinewood.