For the big celebration. I went and bought water and beer tonight, you dirty bastards have 144 beers to drink by Sunday morning. I organised all of my fireworks, got the coolers out, and all the silverware, glasses, and plates. The only troubling thing is that I can't find my flag that represents our great country. I looked all over the garage and I still can't find it. That is one thing that I am not careless about, so I know that I didn't just leave it out or throw it out, but I will be damned if I know where the hell I put it. Hopefully the wifey knows where it is at, otherwise I will have to go find a local Betsy Ross to do up another one. However, down here in Florida I will probably be looking for Betsida Rosalita. Eh, if she can knit, so be it.
Poet, don't know it.
I will start preparation for those beers tonight at bowling -- must begin building the tolerance now.
dammit, that last one was from me. I was logged in at work.
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