

Thats what I bowled last night, never mind the other two games. This game I was on fucking fire. 7 strikes in a row. I have never bowled like that in all my born days. After that game the rest of the night turned shitty. The guy who runs the bowling alley snorted too much coke, and decided to turn the alley into glow and bowl halfway through the last game. Keep in mind, this was the last game of the season, and all teams were playing for position. It was so fucking dark in there that you couldn't even see the aiming arrows. Meanwhile, dickfuck is on the mic yapping some narcotic induced nonsense, and pretending he's a DJ at some hip discoteque. Its a fucking bowling alley you douchebag. Needless to say, there were not many happy people at league last night. I am not even sure how we finished in the season. Oh well, bowling was fun this year, and we'll probably do it again next year. peace.

1 comment:

Jess said...

That is quite a game!