Pickup of the Norah and Miller went well last night. Miller pointed out all the buses and boats on the way home last night. Then we had snacks while Norah had her bottle. Then we played cars, where Norah just sat on her rocking chair and Miller decided which cars she would like to play with. He decided about 8 cars and a tractor would be adequate for her. I have a picture of her piled high with cars but I haven't uploaded it yet. Then we played in Millers room, went outside, cooked some supper, and by about that time it was time for PJ's and the last bottle. During the last bottle is when Miller started getting jealous. He decided that he needed to be right next to us. So he climbed up on the couch and sat right next to me and continued to try to inch his way up on my lap. I have a pretty substantial lap, but a stretched out Norah takes up a fair bit of real estate, so he was out of luck. He then decided that he would get down and bang on furniture because he knew I couldn't reach him. I think tonight he will be enjoying watching Monster Trucks from his high-chair while I feed Norah. She went down good and we didn't hear a peep for the rest of the time she was here.
Neither child had and interesting in potty training last night, so I will try again tonight.
Guitar Practice-60 mins
Practices-Back in Black
Glad it went well yesterday ad hope it's going well right now! Thanks again! I may have to hug-bomb you for this!
Wait until he can pee with dad and try to sink cheerios!
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