I just reviewed my resolutions from last year and I think I did a pretty good job on 2 of them. I played a lot of guitar and Miller still likes me(whether he respects me or not still remains to be seen). Unfortunately, Matt and I decided to let Pablo and Parkin win the wingman competition again last year. I guess sometimes I am a more giving person that what I realize. On one hand it is good that we didn't win the Wingman trophies last year, because more than likely they would have got stolen. On the other hand, if the crooks had of seen the trophies and realized their pricelessness, that is probably all they would have stolen.
My resolutions for this year are as follows:
On the Guitar front I plan to play as much, if not more than last year. Since starting lessons in April I have averaged a half hour of playing every day(not including vacations where a guitar was not available). I would like to increase that to an average of an hour a day, but we'll see how that goes. I am going to stop taking lessons in April and we will see how that goes. I am looking forward to it because it will give me more time to explore other things to learn. Right now I feel like all I concentrate on is what I am taught in my Rockstar lessons, which is good, but sometimes I feel like it is binding and keeping me from checking other stuff out. That being said, I worry that without the timeline of weekly lessons, I will become lazy and not play as much. There is only one way to find out, and that will start in May.
On the kid front I plan to keep doing what I have been doing. Paddling and Spanking. The only way to nurture and grow a young child is through strict discipline and a strong hand. I have ordered a spanking machine online, and will put it together as soon as it arrives. I plan on hooking Miller up to it whether he is naughty or not. If nothing else purely for the entertainment value. I think Erin and I may try potty training in the later part of the year. The spanking machine will definitely come in handy for that.
On the wingman front, Matt and I plan to stop being so generous and take home the trophies this year.
I guess that is pretty much it. Shouldn't be too difficult. Hopefully the rest of the year will go better than January has up to this point.
I think a spanking machine is an excellent idea for potty training. You need to give Miller something to use in phsychotherapy.
Ryan loves to say "Miller, do you want a paddling?" to which there is always a sweet reply of "No."
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