
Spoke too soon

Well, if you read my post below, my week had been going swimmingly. This afternoon I got a big fat Godsmack. DC called and M-Dog had a temp of 101 at 3:00. So I had to go pick him up. At this point, pretty much all hope of going to the cigar event was doused(this was after I typed and printed up his user's manual for the evening as well). I went down to pick him up and he was red as a beet, and hotter than a 2 peckered billy goat. Of course they recommended I bring him to the Pediatrician right away. DC tends to overreact at times, one teacher in particular, so I was wary. I looked him over and could tell he wasn't deathly ill(cuz I am practically a Dr.).

1. He had just woke up from a nap, which would explain part of his overly red complexion. He has been sleeping face-down ass-up for some time now, which gives him a sheet-wrinkled red face.

2. 3 o'clock is feeding time. They were shorthanded in the afternoon, and if that boy doesn't get his food when he demands it, he gets pissed off.

3. He had his hepatitis shot on Wednesday, which the Dr. has always said may cause fever and overall bitchiness.

These 3 factors led me to believe that while he had a temperature, he probably wasn't knocking on Death's door. I called the Pediatrician and a sultry sounding nurse told me I was correct. I had already given him Tylenol for the fever, and she said to monitor the temp to make sure it didn't continue going up, give him some fluids, and cool him down. We got home, the Tylenol started working, and he calmed down. Which would have been fine but......

I already had 2 fine looking babysitter lined up for the evening. I was faced with a moral dilemma-

Leave sickly child with babysitters, while I enjoy stogies with my friends and the owner of one of my favorite cigar manufacturers, possibly winning a trip to Nicaragua...and having to deal with possibly torpedoing my marriage by not taking care of my only son...

Or stay home with said child and cure him with my awesomeness.

I chose the later. The babysitters would have been more than capable of taking care of Miller, but it would not have been enjoyable for them. Once they both have gone through taking care of sick toddlers and maintaining their sanity, then I will leave him with them, but as it was, it wasn't fair to them.

Needless to say, he is snoozing fine now, and his mother should be home shortly. Then he is her problem.


Erin said...

I was godsmacked after I called and said my flight was going to be on time. We left 45 minutes later than scheduled and then once in Ft. Lauderdale, I waited over a half an hour for my luggage. I am done traveling for a while now. What a cluster this trip has been.

MN Mom said...

What a good daddy who takes sickness in stride. Hope he is "Miller" again today.

Jess said...

It's too bad Shannon and I were deprived of our "Miller Time" but we understand that sometimes Dad is the best medicine!

Hopefully, he feels better today and we'll see you guys at the picnic.

Agate Lake Girl said...

So he wasn't faking it then just to get out of staying over her at my place? - whew! :)

Hope he slept well and is on the go again today.