
Iron Maiden Tonight!!

Pretty excited. Just have to get through today and I will be ready to Rockzorz. 4 of us are going to the show: Me, my rock wench, Nilsen, and my rock wench's former boss(who wrangled a work trip just to fly down for the Iron Maiden show, he lives in Chicago). As a thank you for getting him tickets, my rock wench's former boss brought down a 30 pack of Michelob Golden Draft Light. And that is delightful. The beers are on ice, supper is in the crock pot, Juan Cinco is mentally and physically prepared to babysit(not only Miller, but Rylee as well), and I am ready to 'Run to the Hills'!

On an unrelated note, I have been battling a Sinus Infucktion for about a month in a half. Sometimes its there, sometimes its not. If it is not better by next week I will have to go to the Doctor. After that I will need sympathy from every lady that is reading this...that means you too, Button.


CrashLandon said...

Run to the hills....run for your life!

I'm jealous man. I'm sure the Eddie statue will legendary

Hope they play Murders in the Rue Morgue. Have fun.

Who the fuck is Erin's ex boss that likes Maiden? I thought all those 'Mo tech douches only liked Michael Bolton.

Ryan said...

I think they are using the powerslave stage show. They are also playing half house, so it will be pretty loud. I guess they wanted the last show on the tour to sell out, so thats why they are only doing half the stadium.

Jess said...

Rock Band has forced me to hate that song, so I am not jealous at all.

Have fun though!

Agate Lake Girl said...

"Oh you poor baby"...just practicing my sympathy talk. I might need it for you or Jon after he does double babysitting duty tonight...