Miller's got it. As you all well know, I am a pretty awesome guy to be around. Handsome, witty, educated, humble, pretty much the total package. Well, Miller has finally realized just how cool his dad is, and now at night he can't bear to let me out of his sight. Last night, between the boy and the dog, I was about ready to lock them both in the garage. It has been coming on for the last few days but last night was pretty bad. The little grommet couldn't just sit and play. He had to be held. Well it is impossible to cook while holding a baby at the same time, and if I don't cook, then I will have a hungry/crabby wife until she is fed. Since she is larger than Miller, and has a greater capacity for crabbiness, cooking won out over holding fussypants. So I would place him on the floor, a good distance away from me, next to his toys, turn my back to do something, and next thing I know, there he is. Grabbing my leg, tugging on my pants, fussing, putting his head between my ankles and headbutting the cabinets. It was quite infuriating.
The high point of the evening was cottage cheese. That boy loves his cottage cheese. Mix in some applesauce and you have pure baby bliss.
After the wife got home, that is when the separation anxiety really presents himself. He doesn't want to be held by Mom, only Dad. He is fine once he settles down, but he is a bit of a drama queen until then. I hope this passes soon, because being so damned popular is a lot of work.
If he had been awake for your naked Cranium performance on Saturday night, I think he may realize how silly his attachment is.
So you both "are" and "like to show" your total package. :)
Part of me felt bad reading this post thinking "Miller doesn't love Mommy as much." Then reality set in and it's nice to know he is WAY more dependant on you than me. I will bring home the bacon as long as you cook it!
I really believe some chocolate chip cookies would ease Millers problem. 'Course they would have to be home baked Choc. Chip Cookies. Those cookies seemed to cure most if not all of yours and your brothers problems. Coyote Mama
Just wait until the screaming starts at DC when he realizes you’re leaving.
I hope BKR reads this post as I think he'll be able to relate. Consider this. . . he has two girls who like their dinner on time! Not to mention they also have considerable disposition for crabbiness :) Consider yourself lucky. SQKR
He knows where his bread is buttered doesn't he.
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