No more than 5 hours after Erin leaves town for a week do I get a call from DayCare saying Miller has a fevah of 101 and I need to come pick him up. So I head down there, and sure enough, he's red as a tomato and looking pissed off. I had to take him to the Dr. over in Weston, because the practice in Plantation was booked up. Weston office was slow as hell, so I had to hold that little heat-bag for about half an hour on my lap. We were both sweating by the time that was over. He blessed me with a dirty shit once we got into the office to top it all off. Doc says he has got Conjunctivitis, which is either an STD or Pink Eye. So its eye drops and Tylenol for a few days. I can't take him back to DC until after he has been on the drops for 24 hours, so it looks like I get the day off. Luckily, even though M-dog is sick as a dog, he is still a good boy. No fits yet, but he is extraordinarily whiney(one of Erin's traits), and is fresh out of smiles. Also unfortunately, I have an assload of work to do which will have to be put off a day, unless I can get one of my minions at work to help me out. I am slightly curious as how he got this Pink Eye, I have seen the riff-raff he hangs out with at DC and I wonder if this is how it came about:
I feel so bad for both of you! My little baby is sick and I can't help Dad out. :(
I hope I don't get pink eye up here. I changed his little poopy butt too many times and have a tendency to rub my eyes. Ish! Guess it will remind me to wash my hands more often.
Now you know how Erin used to feel when the minute you left town something would break (or burst) at your place.
Very good point Shannon!
I think pink eye spreads pretty easily, so he could have gotten it a million ways. Hope he feels better soon!
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