
2 months Guitar Lessons

Has it been worth it? Yes.
Am I as good as I want to be? No.
Am I as good as 2 months of lessons warrants? I suppose. It is difficult to tell. It would be much easier if someone else started at the same time so I would have someone to compare to under the same circumstances. The guitar teacher thinks I am way ahead of where I should be, but that may be just because he wants to keep getting my money. You can't trust teachers.

Erin has given permission to continue lessons, but this coming month will be interesting. The arrival of LBF may or may not hamper practice, and once he starts daycare I will have to rearrange my lesson time. However, it will be nice to have someone in the house besides Annie think that I am a Rock God.


Jess said...

It will be a careful balance between New Dad and Rock God, but I think you can do it.

MN Mom said...


Erin said...

You haven't quite figured out that the weekly hour of guitar lessons (and the money spent) along with your weekly night of bowling are only so I can hold them over your head and do what I want when I want after LBF is born.

Anonymous said...

are u still taking guitar lessons? we at RoxtarMedia gives guitar lessons and even complete band services :)

Agate Lake Girl said...

You can practice by playing lullabies for the baby - duh!

Anonymous said...

Hey the guitar lessons provided in your blog are nice.There are many people interested in taking guitar lessons, so if we are curious about whether or not people would pay us for the lessons, there should be no doubts as to whether someone would pay to teach them guitar playing and be happy to do it.