
Start o' the week.

Again this week will be a busy one(although it has already started off better than previous weeks, the Bear found it within himself to bless me with some good morning cheer...) Here we go, The List:

Tonight-get pants dry cleaned, put together new furniture for guest room, put stuff away in baby room, play 1st game of B-Ball at 8.

Rest of the week:
Get camping stuff together.
Attend Funeral for someone that used to work here.
Get everything together for Father-in-law for putting floor in baby room.
Finish painting grill sink.

And a Happy Birthday to Shannon. I am not sure how old she is, we'll say less than 40. That should cover it for a number of years.


Jess said...

Yay! Jer-Bear relented. Who says you can't wear somene down with nagging?!

Agate Lake Girl said...

Less than 40! Gee thanks! :)
It's 3-2!
Get ready for next year, I'm having a blow out for my
3-3 on 3-3!