
844 screws later.....

The shed is up. It is not yet anchored to the concrete, but that is the least of my worries. That will happen sometime next week. A special thanks to Jerry and Jon for showing up and busting thier asses for 6.5 hours. Everything went well, better then I thought it would. We didn't have too many cuts(that sheet metal is very sharp), and I am pretty sure we didn't mess anything up. I checked this morning, and it is still standing, so that is a good sign. Now to mow the lawn, and hopefully relax the rest of the day.

THat is all, Good day.


Erin said...

Yes, thanks to the boys for helping! The paint looks good too. Now get that area done so we can finish the outside of the house :)

Jess said...

Now, you have an extra room if you have another child!