
Saturday Hunt-Day

The pictures above show how many Hog I saw on Saturday morning. Do you see them all? I didn't think so, because there weren't any. That's okay though, here is the breakdown. Johnny Fabulous showed up at my house at 4:30 in the morning and we took off for J.W. Corbett WMA to go Hog/deer/anything that moves hunting. I picked my site(shown above) plopped my butt down, and waited for the massacre, and waited, and waited, and waited.....The only thing I saw was an otter that swam about 5 feet away from me, poked his head out of the water, gave me a good morning nod, and went on his way. A friendly little fella to be sure. Granted otters are on the CAN shoot list, but what would one do with a dead otter? Don't ask me. If I had've has some crackers I would have tried to kidnap him as a pet. No crackers though. We gave up on the still hunt after about an hour and a half, and took off in search of squirrels, snipe, and doves. There aren't any squirrels in the area, we shot the last 4 about 3 years ago. Its a little wet for dove. We did get into a nice batch of snipe though. Man those fuckers sure are squirrely to try and shoot. They fly about a million miles an hour, and fail to go in a straight path. Imagine a gave of plinko, turned vertical and horizontal. That's how they fly. Nonetheless we got 2, missed a few, and scared up a decent size doe. Niether of us had a doe tag, so we just watched it go. It was an okay day hunting, below are some pictures to illustrate the difference between Nodak hunting, and Sofla hunting:



That is all. Good day.


Froyd said...

I hope you're paying attention to the poll on my blog, it looks like Storm Shadow is a definitive leader right at the moment.

That way you've got both First and Middle names.

I'd seriously discuss this with your wife.

Ryan said...

Not only that, but it can be a boy or girl name. Nice.

Erin said...

This poor child is going to have a tough childhood. Between your hobbies and a silly name...I hope we have a girl that likes to play dress up and Barbi's. Then what will you do?

Jess said...

So, the snipe in Fl are bulletproof too? Interesting...