
A Bad Day Hunting..........

is still better than a good day at work. Nodak has been very unfriendly to hunters the last few days. Yesterday was a sultry 71 degrees, about 31 degrees hotter than necessary. While the weather was pleasant it certainly wasn't ideal. Not very many ducks flying at all the last few days, and duck hunting in the Carrington area has been awful for the last few weeks. Luckily there are still pheasants, although with the warm temperatures yesterday, they must have all decided to have a pool party rather than hang out by a dirt road and get shot. The ones we did manage to find were bulletproof. You shoot them at least twice, they turn around look you in the eye, flick you off, and then fly away as if nothing was wrong. Stupid birds. It is much cooler today, and it is supposed to snow tonight, so hopefully the weather will improve hunting conditions. If not, there is always Mr. Windsor to keep us company. That is all. Good day.


Jess said...

Bulletproof ducks are often seen by hunters after too much Windsor. Wonder why that is?

MN Mom said...

Crap...nothing worse than bullet proof birds! Might it have been that "The Jack" the birds were drinking was stronger than the Windsor you were drinking? Or vice versa?

Anonymous said...

Froyd, i got news for you.... the birds aren't "bullet proof", your just a bad shot, I've seen you in action before. Got you good F@#$er!!