
Back in the saddle.....temporarily

So its been a few days since I have blogged. Let me give you a load of excuses:

1. Normally I blog between 7:10 and 7:20 in the morning, right before I drop a load. Well I have been so busy at work, there has been no time to blog, and barely any time to dump. So the dumping has taken priority.

2. Nothing too exciting has been happening. No rock shows, no camping, the only thing interesting was Juan Stinko's b-day party. And the ladies blogged plenty about that. It was fun, but I didn't get around to blogging about it.

That's all for excuses.

I will try to keep up for the next few days, but we'll see. I will be super busy at work until Friday at the earliest. I have a big ass project to get done and it is freaking me out a bit. It has given me at least 1 migraine, and almost gave me another tonight. The weird thing is, is that I haven't had a migraine headache in 7 years. Usually I don't get too stressed out, but this project is a bit of a motherfucker. Maybe I am just getting old. I tell you there is one #1 thing I am looking forward to right now. Next Tuesday I am leaving for a week of Duck Hunting in North Dakota. I will be hangin with my buddies from high school, relaxing, and shooting ducks and pheasants. Last year was my first time and it was awesome, and this year is going to be even better because I know what to expect and I know how much fun it is going to be. It's not so much that I need to get away from the wife, house, job(well maybe heavy on the job) or any of that, it is just nice to not have to worry about anything but getting up in the morning, hunting, taking a nap, hunting pheasants, eating, drinking, sleeping then repeating. It is the ultimate relaxation. Which brings me to a request of all you readers. I have been given the responsibility of making a hunting CD to listen to at approximately 5 in tha morning on the way to the killing grounds to motivate us to murder ducks. I would like suggestions on good hunting songs to put in the mix. That is all. Good Day.


MN Mom said...

Duck Duck Goose comes to mind!

So glad you are back...your lack of bloging was ticking me off...everytime I clicked...nada.
Take something for the head-Tylenol at work and Rum at home.

Froyd said...

wagner's ride of the valkyries.