This is going to be a long one, so for those of you reading this Monday morning drinking your coffee, you might want to take a shit now because you probably won't make it through. This was a good weekend, here is the recap...
Friday: Tired as hell from bowling and riding bike all week. Still woke up in the morning to do my bike ride, but I wouldn't call it enjoyable. Work went pretty good, except for the firedrill at the end of the day, but eh, fuckit. I go home and cleaned up the house a little, until the wife got home and decides it's necessary to go buy a new cell phone. Since I am a Motorolan and I would like to keep my job, I demand that she buys only Motorola phones(that goes for the rest of you as well). She ended up getting a pretty cool slider phone. I honestly don't know when the last time it was that she was that excited about a new piece of technology. Then we went to the QD for a couple drinks,(against my will, I was still sooo tired). After our drinks we went to Circuit City to buy some movies to watch. Here is what we got: Stephen King 3 pack: Dreamcatcher, The Shining, Shawshank Redemption. John Carpenters: The Thing. and John Carpenters: Vampires. While we were at the store Pistol Pete called and asked us to meet him for drinks. Usually I would have said 'Hell No', but at the end of the day I made some slightly negative comments to him so I figured I better go, so he doesn't feel sorry for himself. So the wife and I went to Rosey Babies, had some drinks, then went home and watched "Dreamcatcher". Honestly, it was pretty good. I thought it stuck to the book fairly well(although I haven't read the book in 3 years). Next thing you know its 1 in the morning and bedtime.
Friday ABC's 5 beers, 2 whiskey cokes.
Saturday Recap.
Erin and I drug our tired butts out of bed at 7 in tha morning to do our bike ride. I let her lead because I thought she would go slower, but apparently she had the fast stick up her ass and decided to go faster than normal. My legs were burning by the time I got done. We then proceeded to Lowes to buy various things for the house/lawn. That pretty much planned the rest of the day. We made a new border for the plants out back, I dug up dead lawn and laid new sod, she trimmed the back tree and cleaned the porch, as well as the house. I pressure washed the fence and treated the lawn. That is definitely the hardest we have both worked on the house in a long time. When we were done all we wanted to do was go to sleep, but some friends called and mentioned: pizza, drinks, and games. We headed over there for fun and merriment. Next thing I know, its 11:30 and time to go home.
Saturday Exercise: 9 miles
Saturday ABC's: 12 beers. Very disturbing. They went down like water, and I wasn't very tipsy. I guess all this biking is making me a better drinker
Sunday: At the ass crack of dawn(8:00) my alarm goes off because happy-ass Jer-Bear decided it would be a delightful idea to go buy fireworks at 9 in the morning. It turns out that he was right and it was a delightful time. I find it disturbing that the best customer service in South Florida is at a Fireworks Store.(Skyking Fireworks, go there, you WILL leave happy......just broke.) My total bill for Fireworks was $212. Some of you might find that an extravagant expense for fireworks, but those of you that think that probably haven't been to our party. When God blessed America, at that exact same moment he gave the Chinese the ability to manufacture fireworks, and that is why you MUST have a Grand Celebration. When we got back from spending too much money on fireworks, I dropped Erin off at the airport(she will be gone for a week for work), went to work for 2 hours, came home and watched "Snakes on a Plane". I thought this was a dandy movie. Very similar to any of the Die Hard Movies.
Sunday ABC's: 3 beers, 4 whiskey cokes.
Good thing you warned me about the post's length in the 1st paragraph; I had to set down the coffee and go crap; thus, the post reading was enjoyed at a leisurely pace.
I haven't seen "Dreamcatcher" and that's one of the few King books I haven't read, but I do love the other two in that 3 pack, and I think "The Shining" is his best novel.
Jess I apologize for the negative sounding comment on your blog. It seemed funnier when I was drunker.
You didn't say anything negative. Don't worry about it; I can get the sarcasm!
Besides, I am not of a delicate nature.
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