World poker tour here I come! Probably not. However I did do some winning last night. I started with 20 bucks and after counting my winnings in a hungover stupor I count $30.25. Not bad. Then I realize I also paid for pizza(8 bucks), paid for I think half of my beer(5 bucks) and dirty Juan Stinko owes me 6 bucks. When you look at it like that my profits go from 10.25 to 29.25. If I keep this up I will be rich before I know it. On a side note, I think the Pistol might be on the rag this week. His hormones were running high last night, and unless he gets some midol bad things might happen.
Friday Exercise: 5.5 miles bike
Friday ABC's: .65 gallons of beer, 2 cans of beer, 2 g&t's. The gin and tonics were completely unnecessary, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
The Pistol is just lonely for his woman. He needs to go take care of that build up and settle back down.
As for the winnings...maybe they will buy me some Chipotle this weekend? Mmmm...Chipotle.
Those G&Ts were about as necessary as that last glass of red wine. Blech. Bad idea.
Ryan: I can't tag you for "6 weird things" because your blog is secret, but if you want, you can consider yourself "tagged." See my post for Sunday to see what that entails!
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