Tuesday is generally thought of as a worthless day. Hells Kitchen isn't on, it isn't a humpday, there are still 3 more days until Friday, not very many Happy Hours are planned on Tuesdays, its just kind of a dumb day. The one positive attribute to it is that Tuesdays are the day when most new music, DVD's, and video games are released.(If anyone can think of another reason why Tuesdays are good, I would like to hear it, because I am at a loss). So anyways, every Tuesday, I will give you a list of music to check out, some of it just released, some has been out for awhile. I am not saying to rush out and buy it, but find a site that gives short samples and take a listen, you never know, you just might like it. I will not say what "type" of music it is, because those with a closed mind might not bother to check it out, and sometimes music just can't be placed in a category.
Here is my list for this week:
Tiger Army: Music from Regions beyond.
The Twang: Love it when I feel like this.
The Travelling Willburys: Collection
Lordi: The Arockalypse
Opeth: Damnation
That is all.
Monday Exercise: 9 Miles Bike
Monday ABC: 0
Thanks for the suggestions; I will check them out.
Lordi's Hard Rock Hallelujia is a pretty brilliant song.
Opeth has song good tunes, but I think Lacuna Coil is generally a better band.
I've not heard of the other ones.
btw, do you buy these tunes?
Tuesdays are great for me 'cause I usually get a little.
Sir Baldy,
You must mean that on Tuesdays that your WIFE gets a "little"
haha, I was actually referring to how it used to be when I was in FL with you on Tuesdays, grrrr.
I mean Erin, not you
Sometimes I buy them, sometimes I don't. Usually I have been getting most of my music from gomusic.ru. That is until I get arrested. I can't believe you have never heard of the Traveling Wilburys. They were a supergroup before supergroups were cool.
I've HEARD from RELIABLE SOURCES that soulseek MAY BE another way to get tunes.
not that I've used it myself.
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