
Bowling Night

We won 7 out of 9 points tonight. One of our best nights this year. The wailing harpies from last week were a lane down so their interference meant nothing to us this night. I didn't exactly bowl a stellar series(139,141,133) but it was right about my average so I cannot complain. I have been getting some static from the fans about not blogging everyday, so I have decided to try and rectify the situation. I will be blogging every day at this point, but some days might just be random thoughts(not novelesque pieces like the young lady at (http://twentyonedayhabit.blogspot.com/yes Jess, I still remain clueless on the hyperlink, God save my soul)) So here goes:

Nordy: bowled a 254 straight game tonight. 8 strikes in a row. Awesome
Helmet: One of the best bands I never listened to until recently.
5 year wedding anniversary: nervousness, cuz I am not sure where to take the lady out.
Totinos 3 cheese pizza: in a word, awful. Totinos pizzas is one of the best inventions ever, but they really fucked up the recipe for this one.
Wild Hound: always happy to see you no matter how shitty you bowled.

That is all for now.

Tuesday ABC: 8 (7 beers, 1 whiskey coke
Wednesday ABC: nuthin
Thursday ABC: 8 (2 beers, 5 rum/cokes, 1 goldshlager shot)


Erin said...

Don't be nervous. If I have kept you around for 5 years, it doesn't matter where we go at this point (although, McDonald's is out of the question...Ultimate Burrito on the other hand...)

Anonymous said...

I'm in the same boat Ryan (5 years). You could always take her to Duluth like I'm doing. It wouldn't hurt you to come and visit us anyway.
What's Erin doing for you though?????????(That's the more important issue here.)

Jess said...

Oh Ryan, God's not gonna save your soul. I think it's clear that your bound for the fiery lakes of hell.