
Weekend half done.

Saturdays seem to go by pretty fast in this household lately. The wife and I get up and try to get all our chores done by noon/one, and then usually we have some grand plan for the rest of the day. Yesterdays was Captain Petards grand birthday celebration at the marlins game. * a special thank you to my wife is in order for washing both cars yesterday, while I practiced guitar, and watched her wash both cars * It was kinda like bikini car wash, but without the bikini. I then mowed the lawn, did laundry, went to publix for tailgating, and stalled just long enough to avoid having to vacuum the floor. The afternoon went well. It was hot, which was to be expected, but it didn't rain, so that was key. The baseball game seemed abnormally long. I couldn't quite get in the heckling mood. I had a good shot early, but after that I couldn't find a good balance so I stopped. It is important for one to be funny, but also not vulgar or offensive to the rest of the fans. I didn't have any good dirt on the guy, and my one quip got another member of the group all excited about heckling(one who doesn't understand about the right balance) and he ripped off a heckle that just about quieted the whole stadium. So that's when I figured it was time to stop. The after concert was good, quiet riot was okay(uff they are raggedy), the played some good songs. Vince Neil came on and sang all Motley Crue songs. He did his signature 'sing every third word until the chorus' which make him sound like shit, but oh well. We got home last night at about 10 and went straight to bed. Today I am gonna have to get around to vacuuming the floor, finishing laundry, and watching football. Fantasy Football has made the whole NFL experience 11 million times better. Good Day.


Erin said...

I am glad to see you said you would vacuum today. It has been so hard to not bug you to do it. See, self control in the nagging department.

We do need to get our non-food item shopping done for camping before game time.

Jess said...

Rain doesn't wash cars? That's how ours get clean.

Re heckeling: Yelling "You love cocks!" in front of a stadium full of families is wrong? Huh.

Agate Lake Girl said...

I've been nagging Jon for days to clean my sink drain (it hasn't drained in weeks) but he still hasn't gotten around to it. I guess I'll have to work on self-control in the nagging department or trade sexual favors... but that is a last resort.

Erin said...

Rain does not wash cars after a certain point in time. I have been using that method for the last how many months?

As for sinks, use a gallon of draino or liquid plumber first. Then if it still doesn't drain, call in the men. Ryan is not a good plumber-remember his shit filled bathroom incident?

Never trade sexual favors for household chores-otherwise Jon will not do a thing around the house. Nagging works much better. :)

Erin said...

Clarification-as the husband's mind thinks: my last post means Jon will quit doing chores to avoid sex (babies). My brain was thinking he would quit doing normal chores to receive sexual favors before doing the chores. Man, so typical.