
Hate to admit it.

But my wife was right, and so was Jess. The knee is much improved today. If I had've listened to my wife on Monday and Tuesday nights it could be all healed up by now. She suggested that I take ibuprofen starting Monday night. I said no, I am made of steel. I was also under the assumption that Ibuprofen was just a pain pill, which it is, but it is also an anitinflammatory as Jess informed my yesterday. Luckily I still have some 800mg bastards from my mouth episode, so I started taking those last night. What a difference today. It is still tight, but the pain is almost non-existent. Today I have to get my checkpoints done for work, grocery shopping for camping this weekend, and get the rest of my stuff packed for camping. There is also new episodes of Earl and the Office that I must watch. I need two of me.


Erin said...

Just call me Dr. Froyd.

Froyd said...

hey, that's MY line!

Jess said...

Yeah, and the anit-inflammatory has to build up in your system, so you can't just stop taking it once you feel better. You should take it for at least 10 days to feel the full effect of its properties. I've heard Aleve is good b/c you only have to take one, twice a day (once every 12 hours), unlike ibuprofren, which you usually have to take three times a day. But, I actually like the taste of Advil, so I don't mind. I'm a bit weird, I guess.

Jess said...

Are you icing as well? Ice while you're watching TV or something. That too will really help reduce the inflamation.

Both of those pieces of advuce will be $200, please.

You can pay me in beer, I suppose.

MN Mom said...

Be careful not to do too much too fast...the swelling may be down, hence you feel better, but the damage is still there, baby it a bit! Sit on your butt and watch those Office episodes.

Erin said...

I knew the real Dr. Froyd would comment as soon as I said it :)

One day I will have my Doctorate too...then you better watch out! We could start a practice together.

Froyd said...

true, it'd be "Good/Bad Dr. Froyds" you'd want to help people, and I'd want to be mean to 'em.