
Weekend update

Not much got done on project PW this weekend. Miller decided he didn't want to take very many or very long naps, so that shot pretty much any free time I had during the day. The in-laws were down this weekend, and helped take quite a bit of the 'Miller-Load' off of my shoulders. They babysat on Saturday night so the wife and I went to supper and a movie. We couldn't remember the last movie we went to together by ourselves. We went to Avatar. It was good, but I don't know if it is worth a DVD purchase when it comes out. The 3-d was cool, but I kinda doubt it is the future of movie-making.

Here is what I did find out this weekend. RIT-dye is about 25% effective in dyeing PW tires:

It cut some of the girlishness down, but not enough. I think I am going to end up painting the wheels and then laminating some .030" black acrylic down the center with some offshoots for traction. I have to do up the data and then Lasercut the parts when I have time. I created an autocad file to do some Goodyear Tire lettering out of white vinyl once the tires are painted. If I could get paint on the tires this weekend, that would be delightful, but I will just hope to get them clean an sandblasted by Sunday.


Jess said...

The project is coming right along! Can't wait to see the finished product!

MN Mom said...

It will be great! And even now not that girly...just colorful.