The center tread has been restored. It should offer enough slip as to not tear apart the gearboxes and it should be thick enough to keep the rest of the tire off the road so that the black paint will last longer. I machined the tread out of 1/8" ABS and then heated it up and bent it over 1 gallon paint cans per Uncle Jon and Uncle Brian's suggestions. I then screwed it into the wheel using 1" drywall screws. It went well but it was a little time consuming. They definitely aren't perfectly round, and will generate much road noise at 50 mph, but at 3 mph they should be fine.
I have one more wheel to sandblast tomorrow, and if everything goes good I should be able to get a coat of catalyzed primer on them this weekend.
As far as guitar has been going, I am kind of in a conundrum. I was going to pay for March and tell the teacher that March was going to be my last month, but I went to my lesson on Wednesday and there was a note on the door that said he had been rushed to the hospital on Tuesday. So who knows. Maybe I end my lessons a month early?
I hope the guy is okay. (It wasn't the thought of your coming to play that sent him into the hospital I hope...)
Yeah, hope he didn't feel pukey thinking of your lesson :)
Hardy Har. I melt faces with my mastery of the fretboard.
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