
Somethings gotta get me to blog more....

Hell if I know what it is going to be. After a very eventful week, the straw that broke the camel's back was when I found out today that our homeowners insurance doesn't cover shit concerning theft. Up to $1000 for jewelry, that's it. It covers up to $2500 for silverware. You have got too be kidding me, I don't know that thieves go after silverware these days. So since our deductible is $2500 we won't be filing a claim. $12,195 of belongings pissed right into the wind, 100% of which were Erin's, 75% of which I paid for as gifts to her. At this point all we can do is hope the Sunrise Police Department does their job, finds the perps, cuffs em and stuffs em, and recovers our stuff. So far, January is not off to a great start.

I did purchase a new bit of Guitar gear with my Fantasy Football winnings($240 bucks, good job Ryan, Thanks Ryan), and I would love to take a picture and post it, but our camera is currently in the hands of dirty rotten crooks. So that will have to wait.

Regarding the title of this post I am going to try to post everyday with how long I practiced guitar and what I practiced....we'll see how long this lasts.

Practice Time: 69 minutes
Practiced: Johnny B Goode. Whole song is memorized, can only play at 65% speed.


Jess said...

It sucks that your insurance doesn't cover as much as you thought it would. Certainly, this has made us review our policy more carefully to see what and to what extent our posessions are covered.

Erin said...

Go take out a policy on jewelry and other items that can be scheduled. Take pictures to prove you own the shit, get your serial numbers on your computers, take stock in your credit cards, and the find a place to keep all this shit for when they rob you blind. Don't bother putting it in a safe, because when you do they will probably take that too.

Anonymous said...

Oh No! That is a bummer of a deal.
Hope some of your things are recovered. Twould be a miracle.
Coyote Mama

Froyd said...

Get one of those safes that are bolted into the wall to keep all the paper work and stuff, or get a safety deposit box in the bank for it. Either one will protect that.

Also, for the computers, make sure you make a note of your Windows registration code (usually on a sticker on the computer tower or bottom of the laptop) and get its MAC address. It may not help, but if Police catch up with the times, then they can track where/when it shows up on the 'net.

MN Mom said...

No one wants to pay extra for a lower deducible or higher coverage until they have a claim. Especially down here where HO insurance is so high anyway due to hurricanes. In fact most insurance agents in FL won't even offer the extras as the costs are prohibative. We had them check when we bought ours but the cost wasn't worth it. Never in my life have I seen anything as expensive as HO insurance in Fl! Rediculious!
Wish it wouldn't have happened! So sorry.