I couldn't be more happy with the whole deal. Compared to when I bought my Dakota, I feel a million times better. That whole deal was a complete clusterf&*k whereas this one was smooth as silk.
The Dakota needed to be replaced because it wasn't big enough for Millers new car seat. While we could have survived a little longer with a one car seat car, it was becoming a huge pain in the ass and was very limiting. We decided it was time. I wanted a truck, because they are use full, and quite honestly, that is what I wanted, so there.
I priced things out for about a week, Toyota's, Dodges, Fords, Chevy's, and there wasn't many 2009 vehicles that were falling into my comfortable price range. I don't mind making payments on something, but I want to live comfortably while making those payments, and not feel strapped. Being married to one thing at a time is more than enough.
Ford was giving great rebates on 2008 Supercrew F-150's(to the tune of 12k off sticker) so I decided to pursue them. Problem was, that with rebates like that, and it being a 2008 model, there wasn't very many around. In the state of Florida I found 5, and I didn't really like any of them. If I am going to spend a lot of money, and only spend it once every 7-8 years, then I want something that I am going to be happy with. My little Brother, who just so happens to be an Internet Sales Manager for a Ford Dealer in North Hollywood, was also on the search for me. He found 1 in California that was exactly what I was looking for. He had to engineer a 3 car, 3 dealership trade to get it on his lot, but he was able to pull through. He FedExed the paperwork, I FedExed the checks, and in about 10 days it was dropped off at my front door. I didn't have to worry about getting ripped off because 1, he is my brother, 2, the employee discount plan cannot be fiddled with, and 3, I wasn't trading in my truck and getting ripped off on the trade.
Now, I just have to find someone to buy my old truck, and I will be completely done with the process. So if you know anybody lookin for a truck..........
Sounds like a sweet deal all the way around. While you are looking for someone to buy the old one, have you tried Craig's list? One of the gals in my complex just bought a car on there.
Pictures! We need pictures of this shiny new ride!
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