
Fatheads Haircut

Not bad, I am no Meagan Noordmans though. Next cut will be better now that I have the right tools for the job, beard trimmers do not work on thin wispy hair, nor are they the same length as regular hair trimmers. Oh well.....

These last two are Miller's impersonation of Stacy Abel working at Target...


Anonymous said...

Nice Haircut! I'm downright proud of you, Ryan.
He's one handsome little boy.
Coyote Mama

MN Mom said...

You have a back-up career!

Anonymous said...

Nice. But if really wanted to capture my look you should've shaved his head, not just clip it!

Jess said...

I think it looks great! Wanna do Jerry's?

Ryan said...

I ain't touchin that nappy weave.

Agate Lake Girl said...

The hair looks great. I was thinking to be Stacy - Miller would have had to be doing the splits.