Yeah, been slacking this year on the posting, it was one of my new years resolutions not to spoil you readers with my quick wittedness and top-notch story telling skills. Here is what has been happening in the world of Ryan:
XBOX 360 shit the bed. Just got an email from Microsoft saying that it is fixed. I should have it back in a week, so I can finally play the video games that I got for Chrimmus.
Miller turned 7 months. He's 23lbs and 30.5 inches tall. He doesn't necessarily crawl, it is hard to explain what he does. Picture the floor is full of booby traps, and the only way to avoid them is to roll this way and that, until you get where you are going. That is what he does. Not necessarily fast, but it seems to be a good workout. He also might have an ear infucktion, or it could just be that he is teething. He doesn't seem to be in alot of pain, but if he doesn't get better we will have to take him to his first Dr.'s appointment that wasn't a monthly checkup.
Redoing Erins Bathroom for the 2nd time. It was the first room in the house that we fixed, so apparently in woman logic, it needs to be redone now. Apparently Erin cannot shit with the same decor surrounding her for longer than 7 years. It is going well, and should be complete by the end of the month. Her champagne tastes have far exceeded my Hamm's budget.
Purchased a new guitar which should be here by the end of the week. It was with Chrimmus Money and Fantasy Football winnings so it was pretty much free to me, which is why I got it. Yes, that does make 4 guitars, and yes I can only play 1 guitar at a time, but I don't really care. I guess I am a borderline Guitar collector. Much like my wife is a Purse Collector, and Juan Cinco is a gun collector. I am much better at looking at them than playing them at this point. This last guitar was also fairly inexpensive. I am pretty much done buying fancy/expensive stuff now. Miller will soon be crawling, which means he will soon be walking, which means it is just a matter of time before he starts wrecking my shit. For those of you who are reading this that claim you never wrecked any of your parents shit, you are a damned liar.
Biggest News. Congrats to Erin for getting her Promotion!!! She is now Director of something or another at her work. She started at the lowest position requiring a degree at her job and has scooted right up the Corporate Ladder. I am very proud of her. I should be able to take some credit for it though, because she has been practicing being a Director to me ever since I have met her.(especially so when she was pregnant, oof).
If you are still reading at this point....Good Day.
Yes, congrats to Erin! And you'll have to post a pic of your guitar when it arrives. If you hang this one on the wall too, then Miller won't get at it for awhile.
So many snide remarks came to mind reading your post but now I am drawing a blank.
Thanks for the congrats-I will post once it's official at work; which should be this week.
The bathroom is going to be great. I know you will poop in style too. You will want to admire your handy work.
I forgot to add to the collector list of, Much like Jess is a collector of Muthafuggin Race medals....
Congrats to Erin...I only hope this means less work not more! glad you will be posting more, you make me laugh!
Yes, yeah to Erin! Oh and watch out Ryan. If she's redecorating the first thing she decorated, then the other rooms can't be far behind... :)
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