The little fella is doing very well. He is getting to be a bit of a heavyweight, but at least he is pretty tall so he doesn't look like the Michelin Man. He still sleeps through the night, goes to bed at 730-8 and I have to wake him up at 6 to go to daycare. Daycare has been going well, just one hiccup so far(they accidentally fed him someone else's boob milk, but since the lady didn't have the HIV and wasn't currently strung out on crack, everything is fine). The ladies at daycare are friendly enough, but they don't do much talking about what he does all day. I finally got a bit of info this morning. Apparently he is a bit of a motormouth. They sit all the infants in their chairs in a circle, and he yaps and yaps. The other kids are a bit older than him, but none of them talk very much, if at all, so they just sit and stare while he waxes poetic about his various conquests. He gets the yapping trait from his mother.
My road to rock superstardom has broadened by the acquisition of RockBand 2. The drums are much improved and the song list has strengthened. I haven't been practicing real guitar near as much as I should, but maybe I will just be a famous drummer instead. There are many options to consider when becoming a Rock God, and I am wondering if I could have chosen a much easier option. Like singing or playing bass, or perhaps guitar tech. I am sure guitar techs get groupies as well, right?
No. Guitar techs do not get groupies. You have to perform to get the booty.
Jerry and I played some of the cast off Rock Band last night. We rocked. Marginally.
Jerry and Pete pretty much broke up the squirrel kuvers today at work. Have fun singing with those losers. I am off to play folk music in the hills.
Would they tell you who's boob juice it was? I think I would want to check her out just out of morbid curiousity.
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