
First Week Of Daycare Done

And it went fine. The wife was able to return to work, and resume a normal life for her, I was able to feel less guilty about the wife taking care of Miller all day while I didn't, and Miller was exposed to new people, new bacteria, and new experiences. All in all a good week. Only roughly 300 more to go until he starts school...and who knows about number 2......

In other news, it is a 3 day weekend, and I am more than excited. I don't have many chores to do, I have a big party to go to tomorrow, and I get to spend some good Miller Time with you know who. Fantasy Football starts and I am giddy as a school girl about that too. I am in 2 leagues this year(Miller has to get his college education paid for somehow) and I have a draft on Monday evening and Tuesday evening...I think. I better check that out I guess.

M-Dog goes to bed between 830 and 930, and I have to wake his sleepy ass up at 615 in the morning to go to daycare. For those of you who have kids, you know exactly how glorious this really is. For those of you without kids....you will find out soon enough.

That is all for now. I bought Swingers and Eastern Promises on DVD tonight, we will see which one Queen Erin wants to watch tonight. My guess is neither and we will be in bed by 10.


MN Mom said...

Glad day care week one went good!

Anonymous said...

"You're Money Baby....You're soooo Money, and you don't even know it"

A classic flick

Jess said...

Love the quote that Kevin cited! I haven't seen Swingers in years! Love that movie. Vince Vaughan is hilarious. I wanted to see Eastern Promises; I think it's in our Netflix queue.

Hey, did you ever watch Juno?