
Builders Block

I guess it's like writers block, only in the construction world. I am having a tough time figuring out what to do in the grill area. I have the sink, I have the countertop, but I have yet to figure out what to put the countertop on. There are plenty of things to build, but nothing has struck me as brilliant yet. Since I have been thinking about it for 5 days, something should have popped up by now, but instead I am wandering around, zombielike, in a haze of uncertainty. The wife says I should just stop thinking about it, but I cannot turn my mind off. Something better turn up soon, or I am afraid I will go crazy, or are I.......


Jess said...

Hmmmm, can't help ya on that one.

Anonymous said...

just slap some bumper stickers on it and go to bed.