Pretty good weekend all in all. I woke up Saturday a little fuzzy in the head from poker on Friday night. Went over the Jer and Jess Bears in the morning and helped him install his crown molding. This was one of the smoothest jobs concerning home improvement that I have ever helped with. There was only 1 seam that I wasn't overly pleased with, but that is what caulk was invented for. Saturday night the wife and I went down to meat some of her friends down in Hollywood at a bar called Billabongs. Picture a cross between, Squirrels nest, Buzzes Liquor Lounge and Charlies. They had 18 beers on tap, none of which were any form of light domestic. I had 6 beers there(Newcastle, Murphy's stout, and Stella, mmmm...Stella) Then we went to Bass Pro and had supper there, and 2 beers(Murphy's and a Landshark) all those different beers gave me a case of the mudbutt yesterday. Yesterday the wife and I went on a 9 mile bike ride, did some shopping, got the boat charged up and cleaned out, and did a lap around the lake. The fish continue to mock me by not biting my lures, but I will get those fuckers one day. I did the weigh in this morning and lost a whopping 2 pounds. 13 more to go. That is all.
Saturday Exercise: 0
Saturday ABC's: 8
Sunday Exercise: 9 miles
Sunday ABC's: 0
Mmmm, stella is right. I think I may still have one or two left in the fridge...
Are you fingers sore from so much typing? I am impressed.
9.5 miles and we didn't "meat" my friends, we met them (or meet in the tense you used). :)
I can't report a 2lb loss. It was about 1.5 lbs...I blame it on the drinking Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. More biking, less drinking...
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